Helpful Tips & FAQs

Conserve Water to Reduce Your Water Bill

Every gallon you conserve puts money back into your household budget!

Summit Water Tower


  • We’ve all heard the usual tips for turning off the water while brushing our teeth and while shaving and shortening our showers, these remain good water saving tips.
  • Always run the washing machine and dishwasher, only when full.
  • Install low flow faucet aerators, and shower heads.
  • Toilets are a source of much water loss. Put food coloring in your toilet tank and if the color appears in the bowl in five or ten minutes, your tank valve is leaking. This continuous leak can add up to big money over a month of running water that you may be unaware of.
  • Most water meters are equipped with a small red snowflake or “leak detector”. If you shut off the water to every device/faucet in your home and you still see this dial going around, even very slowly, it means you have a leak somewhere in your home.


  • Water lawns and gardens for longer periods, but infrequently. Lawns and plants will be healthier if they are watered deep to the roots than if water is only applied to the surface.  More frequent watering allows a greater amount of the water to be lost to evaporation.  For that reason, it’s also better to water in early morning or late afternoon hours when the ground and air are cooler.
  • Google Xeriscape to learn about plants and gardening that requires less water.
  • Collect rain water in rain barrels to water plants.
  • Reduce lawn coverage by planting groundcovers. Groundcover plants can provide beautiful flowers and rarely need to be watered.
  • Use an on and off nozzle for washing the car and other outdoor uses, so that you don’t leave a hose running.
  • Use a broom to clean sidewalks and drives rather than a hose.
Summit Township Water Tower


Q: Where can I pay my WATER bill?

A: Pay through our website or by phone at (814) 864-2323 ext. 2. There is also a drop box located to the right of the front doors at the Summit Township Building, 1230 Townhall Road West, Erie, PA 16509. Checks can be mailed to 1230 Townhall Road West Suite 200, Erie, PA 16509.


Q: Why was my bill estimated?

A: Several conditions may be the cause of an estimated bill. The following is a list of the most common reasons for estimated bills

  • Broken or disconnected wire.
  • Bad signal from the meter register.
  • Read unit not accessible.
  • The meter stopped working.


Q: Why do I have to be home when you turn the water back on when I don’t have to be there when you turn if off?

A: Customers are asked to be home when the water is turned back on to assure full service is restored and pressure is good. Also, a faucet may have accidentally been left on; therefore, someone needs to be there to assist with problems.


Q: Why can’t the bill be put into my tenant’s name and responsibility?

A: At the request of the property owner the bill can be placed in the tenant’s name (Landlord Authorization Form is required). However, the owner will receive a third-party notification on the account status.  This is done because the ultimate responsibility for the bill rests with the property owner.


Q: How do I know if I have a leak?

A: Some meters have a leak indicator on the dial face. This indicator resembles a small red snowflake or triangle. If it is turning, even very slowly or intermittently, after you shut the water off to every device/faucet in your home, the meter is recording water.